Wednesday, 2 November 2011

St Joseph's Primary School, Freetown

Today we went to St Joseph’s school only to find that it was shut! It looks like a massive building all painted green. We also learned that it is an all girls school! The school is in a really busy part of town. Right outside the school gates there are many many people selling all kinds of things, trying to make a little bit of money. There is a wonderfully busy atmosphere here… some people are selling music and so are playing lots of African music really loudly. Other people are selling fish and vegetables. There are people selling clothes and bread and everything you can imagine. This is where most people will come to do their shopping as there is only one supermarket in Freetown and it is very expensive to buy things here. We are going to try and visit St Joes again on Tuesday. This is when the school re-opens.
I am very excited about tomorrow as Mr and Mrs Meally are going to a Halloween party! They have really scary costumes – I can’t wait to see them!