Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Tuesday 12th February

Miss Brooks and I were very proud of ourselves today, we found our way to St Joseph's all by ourselves!  We avoided the mountain hike and took the market route into town.  

Once at the school we went to observe two of the classes, Social Studies and Literacy.  Miss Brooks was watching Miss Alpha teach a lesson about refuse and also learnt a little about making her own polish, the children are tested on this as part of their national examination!  I observed Literacy, the students were learning about adverbs.  It was interesting to see the children working in groups as we do at home.

We were treated to a 'non spicy' lunch of fish and rice with all the teachers of St Joseph's.  Whilst Miss Brooks seemed to cope very well with the heat, I struggled and went a slight pink colour!

Tomorrow we are looking forward to joining the staff and students for Ash Wednesday Mass and meeting Father Vincent.  We also plan to share the Culture in a Box with a few classes.

Mrs Meally